Nothing Good Happens In Your Comfort Zone

As we plan our upcoming trip to Spain, I’ve been remembering the last trip abroad we took, to Vietnam, and what a wonderful yoga experience I had there.

For some people, it can be hard to be away from your home studio, in a place where no one knows you and you don’t have your yoga family or even your preferred yoga style offered. The best advice that I can give you is to step out of your comfort zone and dive in! Fully experience what the area you’re visiting has to offer in the way of not only yoga, but culture, food, and fun. in Vietnam, the most popular type of yoga that is offered is a style called Sivananda. Sivananda yoga, after teachings of Swami Sivananda, is  a non-proprietary form of hatha yoga in which the training focuses on preserving the health and wellness of the practitioner. The training revolves around frequent relaxation, and emphasizes full, yogic breathing.

Although I mainly practice vinyasa yoga, as well as hatha, bikram and yin occasionally, it was really nice to get the chance to try a different style. My tendency is to dislike anything that I’m not immediately good at, and thankfully yoga has taught me to ignore my initial instincts and stick with it. I also really appreciate that throughout my yoga training I’ve had teachers who have encouraged me to go into every yoga class and studio with an open mind and open heart. To fully embrace how they teach, even if it varies or possibly goes against what I’ve been taught to believe. Being able to be flexible (pun intended) allows the doors for growth to be wide open and the opportunities never disappoint.